Thursday, November 18, 2021

Week 13 – White Boxing And Concept (Part 01)

Bulk of this week's for me was spent creating the first iteration of the E.M.M.I. proxy model and getting it in-engine.

Of my slides, only the Antagonist slide needed updating this week.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Module 3 Week 11 Homework - (Vegetation)

I struggled with the foliage stuff this week and really only got this desert flower that I'm satisfied with.

Improvement from last turn-in notes:

- More noticeable edge discoloration on rock textures

- Disabled "sRGB" on packed textures and fixed rock metallic channel

- Built refection capture

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Week 11 – Art Style Guides (Discovering Your Own Art Style)


Title Slide Animation

Slide Backgrounds

Slide Information:




Every aspect of the title and background slides are in one Photoshop file. I wanted to maintain a high level of non-destructive editing to emphasize modularity. This allows any aspect of the slides colors, text, and composited imagery to be altered, swapped out, or animated by anyone on the team. This was key in creating a progressive background which only needed a start- and end-point, with the rest being interpolated.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Module 3 Week 10 Homework (Ground/Modular Rock Set)


Notes from last week:
  • Flower proxy added   
  • Ground collision fixed (may need optimization)
  • Player spawn height adjusted

Portfolio 3 Week 4 Final Turn In